Such as Mr. Binary Bard, the most evil villain of all Poptropica. It took me many months to track him down during my stay at Astro Knights. I eventually found the princess he captured; Then there's Ms. Black Widow, an evil mastermind. She stole many paintings and counterfeited them in France. She even framed me once! Too bad her life ended for in prison; Dr. Hare, a sneaky rabbit. (Well, Busy Seagull later told me that he was a crazed doctor from an experiment went wrong but... I still think he's a rabbit.) I remember leaving him somewhere far far away but apparently, they found him and locked him up in this prison. Hopefully he doesn't hate me for destroying his rabbot when I visit him; Then there's also Captain Crawfish, Cpt. Seagull's enemy and also mine. (Very long story.) I just hope he doesn't remember me... Which he probably will...
So, I'll be going into their minds to find out their evil ways. I know that I'm good but what if I go into their minds and end up turning evil?! The name of Speedy Wing will be known but for bad! :o I don't want that to happen. >.< Maybe going to it is a bad idea... Ooh. Maybe I can bring a friend with me?! That way, it won't be as scary!
Either way... Evil shall NOT rule. Not here at the hideout anyways.
~Speedy Wing~
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